List of all p51 Pilots:
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Pilot Name Biography Summary
Urban L. Drew He flew 319 hours of combat in 76 missions with the "Yellowjackets" and received the Distinguished Flying Cross plus cluster and the Air Medal plus thirteen clusters, and the ETO Battle Ribbon with three battle stars. He was credited with the following victories. 6 - (Air) (3-Me-109's, 1-He.111, 2.Me-262's); 1 - (Air) (Me-109, damaged); 1 - (Ground) (Ju-52, destroyed); 1 - (Water) shared destroyed, only German BV-238 VI six engine flying Boat; 11 - Locomotives, destroyed; 7 - Locomotives, damaged; 4 - Barges, destroyed, water.
James Edward Duffy WWII FIGHTER ACE!
Jim Duffy joined Army Reserves in 1941, commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant after graduating from flight school at Moultrie Field, GA on Jan 14, 1943. He joined the 354FS/355th FG in spring, 1943 and sailed with group to England in July, 1943.
Clifford E. Dugan R.T.U. moved to Majors Field Greenville, Texas, P-47 training completed at this base.

Gunnery, Galveston, Texas. Assigned 377th Fighter Squadron, 362nd Fighter Group, Ninth Air Force. During combat flew two escort missions, the rest being close support for Patton's Third Army. The usual dive bombing, rockets, and strafing of airports, trains, and any other targets the controllers found for us or we found for ourselves

William D. Dunbar (Billy) One of my most memorable flying experiences was the mission of 23 Dec. 44 near Kobleny Germany. A group of Martin B-26's were jumped by thirty odd FW-190's and Me-l09's. Our squadron was on a recce mission and we happened along at the right time. Three B-26's were hit and going down when we entered the fight........
John Leard Elder, Jr. WWII FIGHTER ACE!
John Elder joined Army Reserves after Pearl Harbor and commissioned as Second Lieutenant following pilot training completion at Victoria Field, Texas. Interestingly enough Bert Marshall, Jr - a future fellow squadron commander for the 355th FG was his instructor. He joined the 50th FG which became the 355th FG in May 1942 and shipped overseas with the group in July 1943.
Thomas F. Ellis Took Flight training Gulf Coast Training Command, graduating class 44B Eagle Pass, Texas. At Venice, Florida completed P40 R.T.U. Joined the 86th Ftr. Gp., 527th Ftr. Sqd. on Corsica. Flew 110 missions 1 E.A. destroyed. On returning to the States assigned Assistant Base Ops. Moore Field Mission, Texas.

In 1946 assigned to Wright Patterson, Ohio, Fit. Test Division, then as Civilian Personnel Officer.

James F. Farrell In the Spring of 1945, the gas-guzzling Jug was in danger of being eliminated from the ever gasoline-short 14th Air Force in favor of the P-51. Farrell was one of eight pilots sent on detached service with their P47's to a P-51 outfit in Hsian, China, (the end of the longest supply line in WW II) to prove the P47.
Frederick H. Le Febre Of the many fighter planes he flew, which in addition to the P47 included such planes as the P40, P51, P8O, T33, F86, F1O1, F102 and the Mach 2 F106, he says the sentimental favorite is the faithful old Jug.
Kathryn (Sis) Fine She was instructing in Pawling, N.Y. when she heard about the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron. Became one of the original women in the WAFS in January, 1943, at New Castle Army Air Base in Wilmington, Del. Ferried PT-19's, L-2B's, L-4B's, PT-26's, PT-23's, AT-6's, C-78's and C-61's.

Received instrument rating at St. Jo., Mo., flying PT-13's and C-47's. Then was sent to pursuit school in Brownsville, Texas, where she checked out in P-40's, P-51's, P-39's and P-47's.

Walter L. Flagg Flew two tours of combat with the 56th Group flying P-47 s in all phases of combat from high altitude escort to low level interdiction. Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with 2 clusters, the Air Medal with 13 clusters, Purple Heart, Distinguished Unit Citation with 2 clusters and European a theatre with 6 battle stars.
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