List of all p51 Pilots:
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Pilot Name Biography Summary
Mary Tufts Trotman O'Brien She became interested in flying through Jack O'Meara, a test pilot QB, and well known glider pilot. She bought an airplane, a two seated Taylor. craft, and flew out of Congressional Airport, Rockville, Maryland. Studied for her commercial pilot's license at Emery Riddle's in Miami, Florida.
Norman Olson dropped out of Marquette University to join USAAF Reserves and commissioned a 2nd Lt. following graduation from Foster Field Flight School in May, 1942. Assigned to 313th FS/50th FG, he then became a flight leader in the 357DF/355FG in March 1943. B y the time Olson reached the ETO with the 355th FG in summer 1943 he had accumulated over 700 hours flight time.
Andrew J. Osborne His first flight in the theater was out of Port Moresby, New Guinea, where he flew with the outfit for 110 missions, 300 hours of combat and 9 major battles. . . touching places like Noemfoor, Weiwak, Hollandia, Rabaul, Leyte, Mindoro, Luzon, Okinawa and Japan.
Laurence C. Parfitt Recalled to active duty in 1950, he flew 100 fighter-bomber missions in the F-80 with the 51st Fighter Wing in Korea. Later, with various ADC fighter squadrons in the CONUS he new the T-28, T-33, F-86D, E, F and L. In 1954, on duty with the US Navy's famous VF -11 "Red Rippers," he accumulated 91 carrier landings in the F2H4 Banshee aboard the USS Coral Sea
John E. Parker Parker completed his second tour of duty after 37 ground support missions in Korea while flying P-51 's and wishing for a P-47 . He was a guest of honor, along with five of his 44-I classmates, at Craig Field during graduation exercises for class of 77-I
Edward T. Pawlak Survived a mid-air collision with another P-51 and also a dunking in the English Channel. Returned to the U.S. in Jan. 1947 and released from active duty as a Major. Remained in active reserves as a Lieutenant Colonel until retirement.
Frank S. Perego Flew 115 combat missions in P-47. Two E/A unconfirmed air-to-air, one E/A destroyed on ground. Group received Presidential citation for destroying over 500 vehicles in one day.
Cletus W. Peterson Shot down April 1944 by ground fire strafing airport near Osnabruck, Germany. Captured two days later near Oldenburg, Germany. POW Stalag 111 13 months. Separated from service April 1945 Captain.
Robert J. Pinkowski Aerospace Defense Command writes an eulogy for the fighter Pilot.- Say what you will about him; arrogant, cocky, boisterous and a fun loving fool to boot - but he has earned his place in the sun
Harry K. Powell Also escorted bombers, cut rail lines and attacked enemy airfields. In one day flew three missions against the airfield at Udine, Italy. Participated in six campaigns - Rome-Arno, Southern France, Germany, Air Combat-Balkans, North Appennines and Po Valley.

Received the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters

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