p51 Pilots Biographies, Last Name Starting With "M"
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Pilot Name Biography Summary
Donn L. Madden At Luke he flew P-40's, then to Harding Field, Louisiana for P-47's. (his first Belly-In was there - wheels up and locked, head in same position.) He then went to England and joined the 23rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group.
Bert Wilder Marshall, Jr WWII FIGHTER ACE!
Prior to WWII, Bert Marshall was the only 3 time All State Quarterback in Texas High School history and an Honorable Mention All America tailback at Vanderbilt University.
Thomas C. Marsters First assignment after P-47 training was gunnery instructor at Millville AAB, New Jersey. Assigned to 525th Squadron, 86th Fighter Bomber Group in February 1945. Main mission was ground support and targets were trains, ammo dumps, tanks, artillery, airfields and most anything that moved. He destroyed 13 enemy aircraft on the ground. Spent one year in the Army of Occupation at Schweinfurt, Germany.
Merle F. Mason The Group shipped to England in February, 1944. During a year's combat tour in the ETO Mason flew 110 combat missions, some escort, but mostly close support, dive bombing, skip bombing and strafing missions in support of the drive from the Normandy Beaches to Germany. During the Battle of the Bulge, Capt. Mason lost three wingmen to ground fire and was himself wounded when his canopy was shattered by anti aircraft guns.
Thomas K. McCaffrey Went on to Baton Rouge, La. for indoctrination in the P-47, from there to Bruning, Neb. for R.T.U. returning to Baton Rouge for overseas replacement in Aug. 1944. After some more training in England, was assigned to the 412th Ftr. Sqdn. 373rd Grp. in France where he flew 57 missions doing close support, dive bombing, strafing trains, airfields, convoys, and troop movements. Credited with 2 E/A in air. Also had the honor of flying with the 1st American Group to fly from German soil.
Lawrence E. McCarthy He flew 97 missions in P-47s and P-51s during his 18 months in England and earned the Silver Star, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, and 6 Air Medals. He destroyed 4 1/2 aircraft in the air and 6 on the ground. McCarthy remained in the Air Force after the war. He started flying jets in 1947 with the Fourth Fighter Group and flew as the slot man and individualist with Vermont Garrison, Sandy Hesse, and Beriger Anderson on the USAF's first official four ship Jet Aerobatic Team.
Jill Sutton McCormick World War II found Professor McCormick in the experimental Cadets' school, WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots). She was accepted into the WASP with 100 hours of cross-country flying. Up until this time, flying cadets had all been men. WASP training was identical to the men cadet's school except that the women had no combat training. They were to take over domestic flying duties for the men so that more male cadets could be sent overseas for combat duty.
Charles E. McCreary During the course of 100 + missions, survived the Purple Heart with a few Clusters and was awarded the Air Medal with Clusters, the DFC w /Cluster and the Silver Star. During tour thru Italy, Corsica, and back to Italy was able to check-out in B-25 and Hand Price's Spitfire. Still feel the JUG was the most rugged and dependable Fighter ever built.
Harry D. Milligan Arriving in Great Britain in September of 1943, he was assigned to the 351st Fighter Squadron, 353rd Fighter Group. After completion of tour #1 in P-47 Thunderbolts, and a 30 day leave in the states, he returned to the ETO for a second tour in P-51 Mustangs.
Leslie David Minchew WWII FIGHTER ACE!
Leslie (Les) Minchew joined USA Reserves while attending University of Florida in 1942. In summer of 1942 he attended USAAF Flight Training and graduated as a Second Lieutenant in November 1942, immediately transferred to 50th FG. When the 50th FG became the core for the 355th FG Minchew was assigned to 354FS and shipped to Steeple Morden England in July 1943 where he remained till the end of the war in Europe.
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