Richard Harlan Chilcott
RICHARD HARLAN CHILCOTT, born 22 Feb. 1925 in rural Nebraska. Became a student pilot at age six,
with first ride in a flying machine - a
barnstorming W.W.I Jenny. Moved to San
Jose, Calif. in 1937 and got flying lesson #2
in a Ford Tri-motor at age 13. Suffered on
through other schooling and got lesson # 3 in
a J-3 cub at age 15. Finally got down to
serious flight training in A/C class 44A.
A brief stint as an instructor at Marana,
Arizona, P-47 training at Baton Rouge, La.,
then a tour of France in a 6 x 6 looking for the
48th Ftr. Grp. Found them in Cambrai just
in time to get a little acquainted and moved to
St. Trond, Belgium, the winter and the
"Bulge" there, then on to Duren, Kassell,
Illesheim and left there high and dry at war's
end. Back in the states, a year as an apprentice carpenter and a weekend warrior getting
time in AT-6's and P-51 's at Hamilton Fld. in
San Rafael. Take home pay as an apprentice
carpenter didn't cover other airplane
expenses, so tried crop-dusting in 1947 to fly
and eat. Better than nothing, but took off
quick for active duty during Korean war in
1951. Caught in the aircraft controller trap
for 18 months and then back to crop-dusting.
As of this writing, still churning up the air in the San Joaquin Valley. Went through the
engines of the AT-9, AT-6, BT-13 and currently
starting in on the C.47's 1200 horse
Tried marriage for 26 years; no children or
other gain, so that's all for that.
Future plans and outlook: work, work and
be merry and someday be heard-of.
Pilot Name
Biography Summary
Asa A. Adair
He returned to the States in August of 1944 after participating in the invasion "D" Day. He flew P-63's, P-51's, F-80's, T-33's, F-84's, T-38's, P-47's in numerous assignments during the following twenty years in in, Japan, U.S.A. and Europe before retiring after twenty-six years of Active Duty.
John C. Anderson
After P-47 transition he was assigned to the 406th Fighter Group, 512th Fighter Squadron. (E.T
.0.) He flew 56 missions through January, 1945 destroying supply routes, bridges, and railroads; he also flew close support missions with the ground forces, with attacks on tanks, artillery and enemy positions.
W.B. 'Tex' Badger
Eight and Ninth Air Force in WWII. B-l7's, P-51's and P-47's. Fifth Air Force in Korea, F80's and F86's. WWII and Korea, Flew 156 missions. Tactical units served in with the USAAF and USAF were: 305th BG , 368th Fighter Group, 4th Fighter Group, 49th Fighter Group, 12th Fighter Wing, 506th Fighter Wing.
Robert T. (Bob) Bagby
He trained in P47's at Cross City and Dale Mabry Fields, Florida and then joined the 341st FS Black Jack Squadron), 348th FG of the 5th AF in Brisbane, Australia in June 1943. Bob flew 78 combat missions in New Guinea (Port Moresby, Finchafen, Sador, Wakde and Biak) primarily as wingman to squadron CO's John Campbell and John Moore. Also privileged to fly wing to Neil Kirby on several occasions.
Frank Baker
After brief stops at Stone and Atcham, England he joined the 313th Fighter Squadron of the 50th Fighter Group in France. He flew 90 missions through V.E. Day. Most of the missions were close support attacks on various ground targets with a few B-26 escort missions thrown in. All of the missions took place in eastern France and southern Germany. He was awarded the Air Medal with 11 oak leaf clusters.
John M. Balason
To relieve the boredom, Balason went down on the deck and blew up a locomotive
he had observed at altitude. A few seconds after making his strafing pass he received a hit in his left wing tank and a fire started immediately in the cockpit. The paralyzing effect of the intense heat made climbing out of the cockpit impossible.
Albert W. Barlow, Jr.
He flew 69 escort and ground support missions. Destroyed one E/A (ME-I09). Was shot down on Sept. 8, 1944, and evaded enemy ground forces for 8 days. Was picked up by an American Recon. Unit behind the German lines. Was hospitalized until Feb. 1948, when he was medically retired with the rank of Capt. Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, and Purple Heart.
William T. Beckler
In July, 1944 Beckler exchanged his P-40 for a P-47N Thunderbolt. Missions in the Jug covered Northern Italy and Southern France. These included escorting medium bombers. The Bombers, based in Southern Italy, would be escorted to France by Thunderbolts based on Corsica. Shortly before target the Jugs would pull ahead of the bombers and bomb the enemy gun positions.
Beckler's activities while participation in three major campaigns earned him the DFC, two Air Medals and two Presidential citations.
Herbert R. Benson
After training in P-47 Thunderbolts at bases in North Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware, he was
assigned to the European Theatre of operations and joined the 48th Fighter Group
493rd Fighter Squadron at St. Trond, Belgium. After flying 44 combat missions, he was awarded the Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf clusters.
Marvin C. Bigelow
Training in the Southeast Training Command with the class of 44C, he graduated and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant single engine pilot at Marianna, Florida with the class of
44D. After checking out in the P-40 at Marianna, he transitioned in the P-47 in the Northeast Defense Command and after gunnery at Dover, Delaware was shipped on the Queen Mary to England.